“Red(e)isign” Publish/Subscribe with Redis

“Red(e)isign” Publish/Subscribe with Redis

I recently had the opportunity to work for one of our customers with an application using Redis. Talking about it with colleagues and studying the documentation, I discovered that this tool could also be used to decouple communication in a software system. Driven...
High availability with RabbitMQ

High availability with RabbitMQ

When dealing with complex systems, it is often necessary to consider mechanisms, thanks to which the services provided are always available, it means that a system must be highly reliable. In the previous article (Decoupling the communication with RabbitMQ), we...
From dev to prod with Docker, K8S and Azure

From dev to prod with Docker, K8S and Azure

In the nowadays cloud era, the question everyone asks is which vendor to choose and at what cost you can risk making a wrong choice. And if you want to start from on-premise and then migrating to the cloud, the cost can be even higher. Choosing Docker for...