Living without Visual Studio: yes, you can!

Living without Visual Studio: yes, you can!

Whenever I am a speaker at Microsoft events, many people seem to be confused by my MacBook Pro. The first thing they probably think is that I’m a mobile developer, and I have a virtual machine with Windows to use Visual Studio. At least the explicit questions...
A world of messages with Azure

A world of messages with Azure

In my previous articles, we have seen how important is decoupling the communications in enterprise applications, and we used on-premise solutions like RabbitMQ or transportation abstraction like Rebus. Cloud offers, in any case, native tools to manage messages....
Publishing NuGet packages with GitHub Actions

Publishing NuGet packages with GitHub Actions

In my previous article, we have seen how to create a GitHub Action to validate a pull request. In this article, we will see how to use an action to publish a .NET Core library on Nuget.org API key on Nuget.org The first step is to open an account on Nuget.org to...
New features of C# 8: part two

New features of C# 8: part two

In my previous article, we discover the first part of the new features of C#8: let’s see now together what else this new version of Microsoft’s home language makes available to us. New Switch Expression The new switch expressions have been released, and they introduce...
New features of C# 8: part one

New features of C# 8: part one

C# is the reference language of the Microsoft .NET world and is updated periodically. In Visual Studio 2019, .Net Core 3.x and .Net standard 2.1, we find support for version 8, which is enriched with many new features that are not only compiler functions...